Lectures / 24/10/2009 10:30 am

Salon der schlauen Füchse

Visiting the planets in the company of Kepler? An expedition to the exciting world of space astronomy

Linz is where it’s at! All of 400 years ago Johannes Kepler formulated the laws of planetary motion. There was of course no way he could have known what these mean to us and to the exploration of space by modern science. In close analogy to the planets, every satellite follows the lines Kepler plotted across the skies. We will be dealing with topics as diverse as Kepler’s revolutionary discoveries, state-of-the-art space telescopes and the observation of distant planets in other solar systems.

Lecture for children between the ages of 9 to 12, 30 participants

For more details go to www.schlauerfuchs.at

Got to Salon der schlauen Füchse to register

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24/10/2009 10:30 am
Lecturer: Thomas Kallinger, Jürgen Öhlinger
Host: Andreas Kupfer, Sylvia Zierer


Teleskop Programmbild Salon der Schlauen Füchse
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