Lectures / 28/11/2009 10:30 am

Salon der schlauen Füchse
Programmbild Salon der Schlauen Füchse

How Berta the Hen is eating up the rain forest and why this matters to us

Berta the Hen does not have much of a life. She is pent up in a narrow cage laying one egg after another. Berta lives on chicken feed made from soy beans grown in Brazil. The huge fields they are grown in have replaced the rain forest with its countless plants and animals. Now the rain forest has disappeared – Berta has eaten it up. So that we can eat her eggs. Is that the way we want things to be? This is what we are going to think about together.

Seminar for children between 7 and 9; 30 participants

For more information go to www.schlauerfuchs.at

Click here Salon der schlauen Füchse to register


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28/11/2009 10:30 am
Lecturer: Thomas Mohrs
Host: Andreas Kupfer, Sylvia Zierer


Programmbild Salon der Schlauen Füchse
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