Lectures / 23/05/2009 10:30 am

Salon der schlauen Füchse
Programmbild Salon der Schlauen Füchse

The History of Space Travel. Science fiction is turning into reality

Man’s fascination with flying is as old as time itself. In the meantime we’ve conquered the air, but space travel is still in its infancy. Much that was considered impossible or simply phantastic has become solid fact. Today we still tend to believe that the voyage to our next-door neighbour among the planets is reserved to Spaceship Enterprise. How long will we have to wait until this dream is also realized?
Lecture for children between 9 and 12, attendance limited to 40 participants.

For more information go to: www.schlauerfuchs.at
Go to: Salon der schlauen Füchse to register


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23/05/2009 10:30 am
Lecturer: Martin Tajmar
Host: Andreas Kupfer, Sylvia Zierer


Programmbild Salon der Schlauen Füchse
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