Lectures / 13/07/2009 7:30 pm

Programmbild Körper?

What will life look like for tomorrow’s senior citizens?

The percentage of old people in our societies is set to keep rising. This makes the question more and more urgent of what can be done to ensure the quality of life for the elderly in future. New products and new services will be needed if these people are to be able to lead independent lives in their own four walls as long as possible, despite the fact that they are becoming increasingly less mobile and more fragile over time.

The project proposes to deal with the issues involved in three steps.

In his presentation entitled “Anxiety and Loneliness” Prof. Dr. Markus Lehner, the coordinator of the research project “Life in Old Age” of the FH OÖ will be giving an outline of the specific mental challenges associated with that phase of life.

How new techology can help elderly people in their own homes to feel more secure and more able to keep in touch is demonstrated by the project “Smart Home” that is currently being promoted by the City of Linz. Herr Eckmair, who has been living in a specially adapted home, is going to share his experiences.

Finally Prof. Dr. Paul Brandl, Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Health and Social Services of FH OÖ, will be hosting a debate on how elderly people can be helped to cope with their everyday lives.

continuative Links:


  • Hellberg, Philipp / Kempter, Guido (Hrsg.), Technologienutzung ohne Barrieren.
  • Zusammenfassung der Beiträge zum Usability Day VII, Pabst Science Publishers 2009.


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13/07/2009 7:30 pm
Lecturer: Markus Lehner, Paul Brandl, Franz Eckmair
Host: Ulrich Fuchs


Programmbild Körper?
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