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People / Jürgen Öhlinger

Jürgen Öhlinger

Jürgen Öhlinger

Jürgen Öhlinger

The astronomer Jürgen Öhlinger is a member of the Institute of Astronomy of Vienna University. In addition to his research work he is also committed to scientific mediation projects. He was repeatedly a lecturer at KinderUniWien and at KinderUniSteyr. In 2007 he was head of project of the science mediation project “Das Universum im Koffer” (The Universe in the Suitcase), a project that enabled pupils to carry out astronomical observations using the space telescope “Most”. This project won the 2007 Science Mediation Award of the FWF (Science Fund). Since 2008 Öhlinger has also worked for children and youth projects of Jeunesse – Musikalische Jugend Österreichs. In 2009 Jürgen Öhlinger will be one of the lecturers at the Symposium of Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich “Natur ab 4”, Wiener Büchereiwochen, KinderUniWien, KinderUniSteyr and at events organized by Linz09.