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Lectures / 14/09/2009 7:30 pm

Programmbild Körper?

Changes in Perception. How eye conditions may change perception.

The eye is our most important sensory organ. It enables us to perceive light, form, colour, and spatial relationships and makes a most significant contribution to our subjective perception of the world.

Lecturers Siegfried Priglinger, MD and Christos Haritoglou, MD invite you to join them for an ophthalmological excursion to the history of art. They are going to demonstrate how eye diseaese may influence an artist’s perception of the world and therefore also the composition of his artwork. Is it possible to account for the composition of certain paintings by reference to eye diseases on the part of the artists?

Demonstration objects shown in the course of the presentation will also enable the audience to understand the anatomy of the eye.

The venue for this presentation will be the MAZ Mikrochirurgisches Ausbildungszentrum und Forschungszentrum, Industriezeile 36/7.

A route plan is available for downloading.


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14/09/2009 7:30 pm
Lecturer: Siegfried Priglinger, Christos Haritoglou
Host: Tamara Schwarzmayr


Programmbild Körper?