Lectures / 24/06/2009 7:30 pm
Inventing music – how does it work? A tour d’horizon across the heart and the head of a composer
This presentation will make use of a number of acoustical and optical highlights to present an unabashedly subjective view on the life and work of a composer. Does the romantic image of the artist still have currency? Do we still compose for eternity? How does the current music world treat composers and how do composers respond to the current music world? What does a work of art look like in its chrysalis stage and how much time does it have to spend in the “incubator” before it’s ready for performance? Is composing a skill you can acquire? What do we understand by composition techniques? Do you have to understand (new) music to like it? Who decides what is good music?
This will be a kaleidoscope of aspects and insights concerning the invention and the understanding of music.