Lectures / 25/05/2009 7:30 pm
What use is biodiversity? The variety of plant diversity at the Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden in Linz is among the richest among Austria’s comparable institutions in terms of the wealth of species it is home to. In regard to some species Linz plays in Europe’s Premier League of Botanical Gardens: we have e.g. Europe’s third largest collection of cacti. Moreover it is one of the most beautiful show gardens also by international standards with a wide range of cultural and educational programmes on offer. 10,000 or so different plant species from all over the world are on display here.
A walkabout in the garden is designed to increase awareness of the wealth of forms and colours at nature’s disposal. We also intend to show by means of a host of examples that species in general do not exist in a void but in a relationship of interdependence. A “journey around the globe” shows what different forms plant life may take, ranging from the temperate zones of the earth (dry and wet habitats; our vegetation; the woodlands of Europe, Asia and the Americas; grasslands; heath, steppes, …) to deserts (cacti and other succulents) and the fascinating world of the tropics (orchids, useful and decorative tropical plants). We will also be focusing on the usefulness of plants for humanity. As the garden bears the subtitle “Erlebnis der Sinne” [A sensory experience] we will make sure the senses receive their due as well, at the latest in the cafeteria of the Botanical Garden, where we will round off the evening.
Guided tour for a maximum of 40 participants.
Registration required at info@kepler-salon.at
continuative Links:
- Gartenführer des Botanischen Gartens