People / Stefan Hametner
HostStefan Hametner
Stefan Hametner
Stefan Hametner (b. 1965) read biology and earth sciences and has been teaching biology, environmental studies and chemistry at the Bischöfliches Gymnasium Petrinum Linz since the early 90s. From 2009 he will become active in teacher training at Pädagogische Hochschule Linz. Stefan Hametner trained as a moderator, as a coordinator for addiction prevention and has completed the Leadership Academy of the Federal Ministry of Education, Culture and the Arts.
16/09/2013 7:30 pmHIV – eine ganz normale Erkrankung?
26/06/2012 7:30 pmKepler Salon Extra: Why helium causes physicists much delirium
04/06/2012 7:30 pm28/11/2011 7:30 pm
Sonne, Mond und Wandelsterne - Ein Rundgang im Olymp
12/12/2011 7:30 pmUnsichtbare Helfer im Alltag des Menschen: Funktionale Polymere
06/06/2011 7:30 pm11/04/2011 7:30 pm
Ist die Umstellung auf ein nachhaltiges Energiesystem eine Utopie?
22/11/2010 7:30 pmUnsere Ursprünge – was lehrt uns die Astrophysik?
11/10/2010 7:30 pm13/09/2010 7:30 pm
Die Relativitätstheorie: Wo irrte Einstein?
17/05/2010 7:30 pm15/03/2010 7:30 pm
Wie entsteht Treibstoff aus Algen?
09/11/2009 7:30 pm21/10/2009 7:30 pm
Salon-Ozeane – Warum sich Menschen Wassertiere halten
17/08/2009 7:30 pm01/07/2009 7:30 pm
Ground-based astronomy and modern technology: larger – offering higher resolution – more sensitive.
10/06/2009 7:30 pmThe Prefix of a Century – The astonishing peculiarities of modern science
25/05/2009 7:30 pmWhat use is biodiversity? The variety of plant diversity at the Botanical Garden
11/05/2009 7:30 pmThe Return to the Moon. From Kepler’s “Dream” to the Age of Space Travel
02/03/2009 7:30 pmThe limits to growth as exemplified by biomass. Are there such things as ecological “laws”?