People / Birgit Sattler

Birgit Sattler

Birgit Sattler

Birgit Sattler

Birgit Sattler (born in 1969) studied biology with special emphasis on microbiology and limnology and graduated in 1997. Since 1992 she has been an assistant professor at Innsbruck University. Since 1996 Sattler has been organizing expeditions to Arctica and Antarcitc to do research on the topic “ice as an extreme microbial habitat”. She has been awarded several prizes in recent years, including the Eduard-Wallnöfer-Preis, the Air and Space Award and the President’s Outstanding Service Award of the Planetary Studies Foundation. Sattler is Deputy President of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Polarforschung and she is Austria’s delegate to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.

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