People / Heinz Oberhummer

Heinz Oberhummer

Heinz Oberhummer

Heinz Oberhummer

Short biography

Heinz Oberhummer (born in 1941) studied physics and mathematics at Graz and Munich Universities. He habilitated in 1980 and was head of one of the institutes at Vienna Institute of Technology. His main areas of research and tuition were nuclear physics, astrophysics and teacher training. He was a visiting professor at the universities of Zurich, Tübingen, CRNS Strasbourg, Leuven, Bergen, Notre Dame, Washington and Ghent. In 2006 he retired as a university professor. The popularization of science and technology, particularly for young people, continues to be an important task in Oberhummer’s eyes. Among his current projects the science cabaret “Science Busters” ( at Vienna’s Rabenhof and on FM4 and “Cinema and Science” ( stand out. His book “Kann das alles Zufall sein – Geheimnisvolles Universum” was awarded the title Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres 2009 (Science Book of the Year 2009).


  • Vienna University of Technology
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