Lectures / 15/06/2009 7:30 pm


Education – an Ideal or a Commodity? Orientations and Expectations of Pupils and Students

There is no doubt that higher education, in the broadest sense, is still a great privilege. It enables students to benefit from forms of knowledge that are awarded a significant truth and credibility bonus by society. It may also represent the first steps in a professional career – even though this can no longer be unquestioningly relied on. The question under discussion – namely, how useful qualifications gained at school and university are with regard to a professional career – focuses on the contrast between Genuine knowledge vs Knowledge as a commodity. How do pupils and students view this issue in light of what they hope to gain from school and university in terms of education.
A series of lectures organized by Institut für Soziologie/Abt. für Theoretische Soziologie und Sozialanalysen der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz in collaboration with Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture in the Kepler Salon.
Curated by B. Aulenbacher, U. Fuchs, S. Keller, M. Ziegler


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