Lectures / 03/06/2009 7:30 pm

Programmbild Körper?

How do you get to be the person that you really are? A User’s Manual for the psyche

If you find that you’re not happy even though you’ve realized your dreams, the reason may quite simply be a that it wasn’t YOUR dreams you realized. It doesn’t require high drama – a terrible childhood, abuse, violence, loss – for our psyche to be traumatized. This may sound paradoxical but is a simple statement of facts. And it’s symptomatic of the times we live in. The bad news is that “normal” life may be traumatic enough to throw you off balance. The good news is that it is possible to get help. And it’s available just around the corner.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) mental disorders will be the most significant cause of illnesses in Western industrial nations by 2020. Don’t let symptoms take charge of your life. DDr. Spatt presents a mental health model for personal development based on insights from psychotherapy, psychiatry and the management sciences.

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03/06/2009 7:30 pm
Lecturer: Peter Spatt
Host: Peter Becker


Programmbild Körper?
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