Lectures / 19/03/2009 6:00 pm

Guest Lecture
Programmbild Gastveranstaltungen

"Homeland is Where Freedom Resides?” civil war Refugees from Former Yugoslavia in Upper Austria

Of all the conflicts that have taken place in Europe in recent decades, the civil war in former Yugoslavia most powerfully affected Austrian society. Approximately 53,000 former Yugoslavs live in Upper Austria today. They still feel the consequences of the civil wars that raged in their respective ethnic homelands—the political and cultural impacts; the concrete effects manifested in their own families—and have had to learn to deal with them.
A round-table discussion will focus on the upshots of the civil war. Participants include representatives of immigrant organizations, psychologists, and former citizens of Yugoslavia involved in artistic and cultural life in Upper Austria today.


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19/03/2009 6:00 pm
Lecturer: Milicevic Ruzica, Nenad Vukosavljevic
Host: Christian Klösch


Programmbild Gastveranstaltungen
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