Lectures / 16/03/2009 7:30 pm

Programmbild Körper?

Tell me where the women are. Gender representation at the universities and in the sciences

The exclusion of women from science and higher education has a long tradition: Founded in 1365 as one of Europe’s older universities, the University of Vienna admitted its first female students in 1897, and it took until 2008 for Ingela Bruner to become the first woman for the post of rector of a state university in Austria. Has the much touted emancipation of women ground to a halt outside the gates of the universities? How does the “glass ceiling” affect women in university life? What measures have been taken to counter the exclusion of women? The lecture will present facts drawn from history, present-day life and statistics to provide an answer to the question why women are still underrepresented in science.

continuative Links:


  • Harding, Sandra, Das Geschlecht des Wissens, Frauen denken Wissenschaft neu, Frankfurt/ New York, Campus, 1994 (1991).
  • Holland - Cunz Barbara, Die Regierung des Wissens, Budrich Verlag, Opladen, 2005.
  • Kurz-Scherf, Ingrid, Dzewas, Imke, Lieb, Anja, Reusch, Maria (Hg.innen) Reader Feministische Politik und Wissenschaft, Helmer Verlag, Königstein/Taunus, 2006.
  • Sabine Hark, Dissidente Partizipation, Eine Diskursgeschichte des Feminismus, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2005.
  • Becker, Ruth, Kortendieck, Beate, u.a. (Hg.innen)
    Handbuch der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004.


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16/03/2009 7:30 pm
Lecturer: Petra Unger
Host: Peter Becker


Programmbild Körper?
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