Lectures / 28/01/2009 7:30 pm

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The Global Financial Crisis – Will the taxpayer have to foot the bill?

The global financial crisis is a buzzword second to none today. Hardly anyone has any idea what negative consequences this crisis is going to have and to what extent the taxpayer will be dragged into the quagmire through state guarantees and subsidies. In his presentation, Friedrich Schneider will not only offer an analysis of the causes of the global financial crisis and of the measures specific governments have adopted to respond to it but will also be proposing seven regulatory steps that he feels need to be taken. He will also be discussing possible scenarios how the financial crisis will make itself felt in the real economy as well as the key question whether the market economy has in fact come to the end of its useful life or whether it only needs a relaunch.


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28/01/2009 7:30 pm
Lecturer: Friedrich Schneider
Host: Martin Heller


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