Kepler Salon
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Lectures / 24/09/2009 7:30 pm

Guest Lecture
Veranstaltung 24.09.2009 Bild 4

What becomes visible, when we defamiliarize familiar surroundings? Creating riddles and solving them in art and science

What science and the arts have in common is the creation of perspectives on allegedly familiar objects that break with the conventions of routine perception. By breaking with these conventions and by adopting an unfamiliar perspective, they discover what is new, what is different. Dietmar Becker demonstrates this process in a paradigmatic manner by means of his artworks and Regina Becker-Schmidt comments from the point of view of social theory and philosophy on the twisting paths that become visible here. At the centre of this presentation is the mysterious character of scientific and artistic production, which the audience are able to experience both on a sensory and an intellectual level.

A series of lectures organized by Institut für Soziologie/Abt. für Theoretische Soziologie und Sozialanalysen der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz in collaboration with Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture in the Kepler Salon.

Curated by B. Aulenbacher, U. Fuchs, S. Keller, M. Ziegler

You can visit the exhibition of Dietmar Beckers paintings from 3pm.


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Veranstaltung 24.09.2009 Bild 4 Veranstaltung 24.09.2009 Bild 1 Veranstaltung 24.09.2009 Bild 2 Veranstaltung 24.09.2009 Bild 3 Programmbild Gastveranstaltungen