People / Meinrad Ziegler
HostMeinrad Ziegler
Meinrad Ziegler
The sociologist Meinrad Ziegler is an associate professor at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. The focus of his work is on methodology, the methods employed in qualitative social research and in biographical research, and on sociological theory.
26/11/2010 7:30 pmIn Wahrheit … Herstellung, Nutzen und Gebrauch von Wahrheit in Wissenschaft und Alltag
09/12/2009 7:30 pmTruth and Rhetoric. Which counts more: the better argument or the better story?
12/11/2009 7:30 pmHow statistics and other numbers gain our trust only to disappoint it
22/10/2009 7:30 pm"Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht …” Truth and confidence in everyday life
24/09/2009 7:30 pmInstitution
- Johannes Kepler Universität Linz