Veranstaltungen / Mi, 12.07.2017, 17:00

Open Space?

Wittgenstein in Swansea: Language and Langland

Ludwig Wittgenstein regularly travelled to Swansea in the 1940’s to visit Rush Rhees, his close friend and literary executor. Apart from intellectual stimulation, Wittgenstein also enjoyed the friendly, peaceful atmosphere of Dylan Thomas’ ‘ugly, lovely town’. The lecture will highlight places that Wittgenstein would have experienced, and ones that may well have influenced some of his thinking, and it will explain his legacy through the ‘Swansea School’, or ‘Swansea Wittgensteinians’, as some have labelled them. It will also address the need to remember and commemorate Wittgenstein through Swansea-Linz collaborations.

Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.


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Mi, 12.07.2017, 17:00
Vortragende/r: Alan Sandry
GastgeberIn: Karin Wagner


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