Kepler Salon
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Veranstaltungen / So, 27.11.2011, 10:30

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Fremdsprachige Matinee: Will Location Based Services Help Re-define Reality? Exploring new mobilities and emerging LBS cultures

This Kepler Salon experience will examine how location based services (LBS) are re-defining ways in which we approach reality. This experience will explore emerging “new” mobilities and LBS cultures by giving the participant hands-on contact with these realities. A healthy discussion on whether we want reality to be re-defined will also be part of this event.

Dieser Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Bank Austria


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So, 27.11.2011, 10:30
Vortragende/r: Mark Kramer
GastgeberIn: Dominika Meindl


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